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I don’t know about you but I have always been fascinated with undertaking a journey through the different levels – layers of my inner being. And venture into all of my complexity. I was very young when I started meditating in 1976, but I felt right away that my journey had started long before then. Several were the tools with which I had progressed, different bodies, roles or identifications, but underneath it all it seemed to me there was a clear perceptive continuity. I remembered situations, events and people who, with differing intensity, had left traces of their presence in me. But there was something more. And as I found myself refining my perception and my eye on reality, I was able from time to time to plunge into a sunset or a smell. I had the impression that my fingertips could go beyond the velvety sensation of the petals of a rose and talked to me about myself, about my relationship with my heart, with the most intimate essence of me.

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